June 1st was the beginning of hurricane season in our area. The time to prepare is before any word of a storm approaching is heard. Make sure you have a disaster plan in place and emergency supplies on hand. We have the Charlotte County Disaster Guide available at our office or you can find one online at www.Charlotte  Last year was my first hurricane season in FL. I would like to say that I now know how and what to prepare for. But…….. I’m not sure that you can totally prepare. No two storms will be the same. But the basic Things to do stay the same. You need to plan what to do before, during and after the storm. It may be a hurricane, flooding, fire, or tornado. You need to be prepared and know what to do to keep you and your family safe. After an event you may not be able to leave your home for several days. You will need to be self-sustaining for this time – you will need food, water, medicines, and other life sustaining materials. Experts say to prepare 2 -3 weeks of these items. You do not know how long it will take for things to get back to “normal”. If you decide to evacuate the food and water will most likely be needed when you get back.

 Remember if you are a renter your landlord’s insurance won’t pay for your things if they are damaged or stolen. Renters insurance is very affordable, and in the long run, it could save you a lot of money.  For as little as about $16 per month you can have a nice renter’s policy. Many owners are now requiring new tenants to get insurance. These are the coverages that should come with your rental policy.

Personal Property Protection

Theft Protection

Guest Medical Coverage

Liability Coverage

Additional Living Expenses

 Insurance companies reserve the right to stop writing policies in certain areas when a hurricane watch has been issued, which can be several weeks before the storm is set to make landfall. So be sure and plan ahead – just in case.

So, in conclusion. It’s time to prepare!
Don't forget to stop by our office for a copy of the Charlotte Co. Disaster Guide and some information on renters insurance.