How do I look for a rental home?


How do you know which rental home will be a good pick for you?

Set your priorities and budget – What do you NEED to have in a rental home - how many bedrooms, baths, what locations do you need to be close to and what do you WANT to have?

How much can you afford to pay? (30% of your income is what the experts say to use to calculate for monthly rent).

Use an agent or a Property Management Company. – Let them do the work for you!

Know your credit score.

Have your information ready – dates, past addresses, landlord names & #’s, jobs, pay stubs. Most companies will run a background and a credit check.

Be up front and honest.

Ask about the cost of utilities – know what is included in the rent. Parking? Storage?

Ask about maintenance and repairs – what does the landlord cover – how long does it typically take to get a response.

Renters insurance – is it required? (You should always have this-it is inexpensive)

Know any additional fee’s - Sec. Deposit, Application Fee, and other fee’s charges by utility companies.

Do you have pets? Pet deposits?

What amenities are offered?